
A monthly outbound plan in just a few words

We hated brainstorming ICPs, seting up targeted sequences, and coming up with content. That's why we built Boundo to do it for you.


Experience speed

The fastest way to reach thousands of people

Welcome to the next generation of sales. Tell Boundo its sales goals for the month, and it takes care of the rest.


Simplify your stack

Everything unified through one chat

Figuring out what strategies are working and what content is resonating with your audience is annoying to crunch. Boundo has access to all of your outbound data, so leave the hard work to your AI sales rep.

Before Boundo
CRMsDatabasesLinkedin outreachEmail outreachDeliverability monitorsIntentResearch tools+ dozens more
Sales reps
After Boundo
AI Sales Rep

Constantly evolving

Let Boundo learn from your results, or teach it yourself

Whether you're planning your strategy in different documents, or simply looking at your current results, Boundo coallesces all of your data to come up with the best possible strategy for you, each month.

Document upload

Upload your sales strategy, CSVs, or any other documents to Boundo, and it will analyze them and leverage them to make your outbound program more effective.

Performance analysis

Metrics are automatically tracked and analyzed, so you and Boundo always have up-to-date information on what's working and what's not.

Replay strategy

Quickly re-use some of your old strategies and campaigns that Boundo already created, or use them as a starting point for your new strategy.